Wine Barrel Race - Corsa delle Botti

Last update 24 May 2023

Second weekend of June - June 8th and 9th 2019

The Wine Barrel Race is an event which reminds of a 19th century tradition. At the time the barrel artesans' apprentices used to deliver the barrels, rolling them down the streets. They so gave birth to a real competition, to which winery firms and winemakers from Nizza Monferrato and the surrounding villages take part. The competition takes place in the streets of our Old Town: an amazing show, both for locals and tourists who follow the race every year.


The race qualifications take place on Saturday evening, while the real competition is on Sunday afternoon.

For any further information:
Web site:

Regolamento corsa delle botti

Attachment format pdf

manifesto e locandina CorsaDelleBotti_2023

Attachment 3.49 MB format pdf

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